Please send your applications to Dr.Shanthi Naidu, Hon.Secretary,AMBI; routed through State Representative/Zonal Representative
Annual Trainee Memberships for AACC free of cost, for the current year 2019, for AMBI young members.
Eligibility Criteria for AACC Annual Trainee Memberships:
- Currently pursuing MD in Biochemistry or Lab Medicine or Pathology
- Currently pursuing Senior Residency in Biochemistry or Lab Medicine.
- Completed PhD in laboratory related subjects with demonstrated interest in lab medicine or clinical biochemistry within last two years.
- Pursuing PhD in a diagnostic topic (of translational value in diagnostics)
Mechanisms of calling for applications:
- Candidates may directly send their one-page CV along with recommendation letter from AMBI Secretary or any existing AACC member, preferably from the India section. Recommendations from AACC India Section Executives or Local Scientific Committee members would be equally acceptable. Current members directory may be accessed from
- The recommendations should accompany the one-page CV of the candidates with requisite details, Statement of Interest (upto 500 words).
- The Last date for receipt of applications would be 15thFebruary, 2019. Please send the applications to the following e-Mail address with the subject “AACC India Trainee Membership”:
Dr.Barnali Das,; Dr.Asmita Hazra,; Dr.Saswati Das,; Dr. Sudip K. Datta,, Dr. Mrinalini S. Patwardhan,
- Evaluation of the CVs under direct application may be done on the basis of:
- Present Institution
- Academic inclination in terms of presentations/ publications/awards
- Recommendation letter
- Scope of mentoring by recommending person/ section leaders and local scientific committee members
- Geographical Considerations.
- Evaluation of the CVs under direct application may be done on the basis of:
The work of AACC trainee membership helps in touching the lives of about every patient, and the diverse programs and services, publications, and trainee member benefits that AACC offers reflect the broad range of laboratory medicine, from clinical chemistry, pathology, microbiology, molecular diagnostics, immunology, genetics and IVD industry. Please apply for trainee membership and share your thoughts and inputs to support these aims.
Click here for more details.