TO:    IFCC National Representatives of the Full and Affiliate Members

Dear IFCC National Representative,

The IFCC has major responsibility for coordinating the development of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine on an international basis.

The IFCC Working Group on Method Evaluation Protocols (WG-MEP) is established to review and summarise the literature and guidelines on method evaluation procedures used in clinical laboratories; provide a high-level evidence-based method evaluation guidance; engage, develop, and disseminate educational resources for clinical stakeholders.

We call upon you to nominate a suitable member of your society with expertise in Method Evaluation, e.g. prior peer-reviewed publication or local regulatory approval experience in method evaluation, for potential inclusion as a Corresponding member in the Working Group. The corresponding member will act as the liaison between the working group, national societies and local practitioners for information gathering, assisting in planning educational activities/ conferences, and disseminating any relevant output of the WG.

We are sure that the IFCC and your society will benefit from such a direct link, which will enhance the quality of the delivery of the WG, as well as increase your organization’s visibility worldwide.

Please send your nomination to the IFCC office to Silvia Colli Lanzi (

We look forward to receiving your feedback by 31 Jan 2023.

Thank you for your anticipated collaboration. 

A/Prof. Ronda GREAVES                    Dr Tze Ping LOH

Murdoch Children’s Research Institute   Clinical Chemistry Division,

Flemington Road                                    Department of Laboratory Medicine

Parkville – Victoria 3052 Australia          National University Hospital – Singapore

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