TO: Representatives of the IFCC Full and Affiliate Members
TO: Representatives of the IFCC Corporate Members
Dear IFCC National Representative,
Dear IFCC Corporate Representative,
The IFCC has major responsibility for coordinating the development of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine on an international basis.
The IFCC Working Group on Neonatal Bilirubin (WG-NB), a Scientific Division and Emerging Technologies Division joint project, is established to:
- understand the current status of agreement in neonatal bilirubin determination against clinical decision levels and EQA performance;
- define appropriate performance parameters to ensure fitness for clinical purpose;
- to review the availability and appropriateness of current JCTLM listed and other CRMs, RMPs and RMSs, and define the appropriate measurand(s);
- to periodically review emerging methodologies, their fitness for purpose and recommend solutions to improve comparability and traceability, and
- to collaborate with major manufacturers (from both traditional and near-patient technologies) on neonatal jaundice testing to improve comparability and traceability (where appropriate) and to develop and disseminate publications and educational resources related to neonatal jaundice testing for stakeholders to support best practice
We call upon you to nominate a suitable member of your society or company, with expertise in Neonatal Bilirubin, (e.g. for improving alignment of neonatal bilirubin and for improving the standardisation of neonatal bilirubin testing for current and emerging tests), for inclusion as a Corresponding member in the Working Group. The Corresponding Member will act as the liaison between the working group, national societies, corporate members, and local practitioners for information gathering, assisting in planning educational activities/ conferences, and disseminating any relevant output of the WG.
We are sure that the IFCC and your society or company will benefit from such a direct link, which will enhance the quality of the delivery of the WG, as well as increase your organization’s visibility worldwide.
Please send your nomination to the IFCC office to Silvia Colli Lanzi ( and Paola Bramati (
We look forward to receiving your feedback by 31 March 2023.
Thank you for your anticipated collaboration.
A/Prof. Ronda GREAVES Dr Lindsey MACKAY
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute National Measurement Institute
Flemington Road New South Wales
Parkville – Victoria 3052 Australia Australia
Email: Email: