To:      IFCC Full Member Societies’ National Representatives

             IFCC Affiliate Societies’ Representatives

             IFCC-YS young scientists

             IFCC-TF-YS corresponding members

            IFCC Champions

            Contributors into the 70th Anniversary Magazine

            Participants into the Art competition

Dear All,

The IFCC TF-YS is inviting you to participate in the new IFCC-TF-YS and Public Relations (C-PR) project


The objective is to perform a virtual/remote visit of your laboratory, targeted to General Public.

How to participate: film your lab as a virtual guided tour. Instructions in the document attached.

Videos will be distributed around the world to create awareness of the fundamental role our profession plays in patient care and public health. The best videos will be awarded during WorldLab EuroMedLab Roma 2023.

EXTENDED Deadline for submitting your videos:

28th February 2023.

You will find more information in the attached letters.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Kindest regards,

Prof Rajiv Erasmus                   Santiago Fares Taie

C-PR Chair                                 TF-YS Chair


Click here to Download PDF : LiveMyLab Project_English-final_r